First Day: Here We Go

Twelve minutes and 23 miliseconds.

That’s how long it takes for me to walk from my condo to my new school.

When I entered the grounds, I heard English and another language I couldn’t even understand. The director of students accompanied me to my freshmen classroom. I looked in and saw no one at looked like me. The teacher came out of the classroom to greet me and then  I jumped in! 

Many girls made conversation with me throughout the day- ones that now I can call “my friends” or even “best friends”. 

All I could think about was how I could learn THAT language THAT I couldn’t understand. Even thought school was taught in English, I wanted to be able to fit in.

For lunch, I stared at the foreign foods and ended up getting what my classmate said was THE BEST.  A food that I couldn’t even pronounce. 

Days and days passed. The routine the same.  But each day I learned more and more. I learned to make the best of each day. To see the little things. 

A lot of time passed. Time that I can’t count. 

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